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My Never Ending List

The plague has come knocking on your door

Plague - Lisa C. Hinsley, J.D. Smith

Its reality and it was horrific to read but yet I was drawn to the pages like the flies were drawn inside the house of Liz and Johnny as their house becomes a living hell.  It was the flies that had me squirming just like the flies from the Amityville Horror movie that buzzed inside their house in the middle of winter, these flies had me swatting and scratching in the middle of the night as I read and then tried to go to sleep.  Four-year old Nathan contacted the disease first.  Bubonic plague, the plague that had no cure and was sweeping across England. Quarantine yourself, lock yourself away and hope you have enough supplies to last. Last for what? That is the question his parents are wondering as they notice around the neighborhood the steel paneling going up on windows and plastic sheeting being wrapped around all the homes.  It’s like a living tomb and for how long can they hold up.  As a parent, you try to remain positive as your child looks to you for help but inside you spirit is crumbling.   Inside the home, the parents start to show signs of the sickness and they know the inevitable is likely.  This cannot be happening, can it? Put on your seatbelt as you are in for the ride of your life.


It was not a very positive book but it really made you think about reality.  Liz and Johnny thought they were immune to the disease, the disease that was not supposed to be their community.    They didn’t even have time to even prepare themselves, they just had to react and come together as a family immediately. Who could do that? Do you have enough supplies on hand to last months in your house? Could you last months with your family in a house without going crazy?  I have to commend the author for all the details that were included in the book, as the plot deepened I thought how much more can they endure?  I think I would have hidden in the closet for a couple hours just to regain my sanity.  Johnny and Liz’s love for one another and for Nathan makes what is happening to their family an emotional roller-coaster.   I love creepy book and books that make me think and this book did both for me. 

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest opinion.