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My Never Ending List

Where Have All The Girls Gone

When All The Girls Have Gone - Jayne Ann Krentz
Anticipation, this is what I felt as I listened to this novel. It was the perfect addition as I walked the exercise trails and pushed the mower across our yard, this novel kept me moving. The short chapters, the small list of characters and the enticing storyline had me speeding through these activities.
The novel began when Charlotte was house-sitting for her stepsister, Jocelyn and receives a package addressed to Jocelyn. Charlotte discovers that the sender of this package has been killed. Attempting to notify Jocelyn of this information, Charlotte realizes that her stepsister is not where she is supposed to be. It seems that Jocelyn is not on the retreat she “supposedly” took. Troubled, Jocelyn hires a P.I. to help her locate her missing stepsister. Working together, Charlotte and Max discover that Jocelyn and a few of her friends had put together their own side business. Piecing together this puzzle, death comes calling again. This death is also linked to the side business Jocelyn was a part of. The partners are being eliminated as Charlotte and Max try to connect the dots.
I liked the short chapters and how things moved along quickly in the novel. I enjoyed how Charlotte worked alongside Max during the investigation. Charlotte knew things about her stepsister which helped move the investigation along faster. There was a romance building between Charlotte and Max and I was glad that it didn’t take center stage. Although some of the story was predictable, there were parts of the story that weren’t. 3.5 stars