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My Never Ending List

Flying away here.....DNFing this novel

The Butterfly Garden - Dot Hutchison
I just couldn’t do it. This novel made no sense to me so after 98 pages, I gave up. What frustrated me the most as I read was why no one revolted or tried to leave, it was as if they enjoyed being held captive. This would be all fine and dandy but why make it sound all horrible once they are finally found. It just irritated me. The way Maya described the Gardener and his son, Avery putting their hands on them and so forth and how it disgusted them, I just didn’t understand why they didn’t do something about it. Then, what was up with Maya’s attitude when she was being questioned by the police. I just didn’t understand this. I guess also, I was upset that I was hearing about what happened with the Gardener and the butterflies through the eyes of Maya. I just didn’t think she told an accurate picture of what the other girls might have thought or felt. This just wasn’t a good-fit novel for me.