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My Never Ending List

100 Sideways Miles

100 Sideways Miles - Andrew Smith

There are many words I could use to describe Finn but the best choice would be resilient. So far, his childhood has not been easy and the incidents that have occurred are not easy ones to explain, in fact the story of the incident with his mother left me shaking my head. What are the possibilities of that even happening? His father is a writer, and the story he wrote has caused quite a stirring among the public. Is his son Finn, the character in the story and was this book really a science fiction novel? Finn’s best friend is Cade and how I adored this child. As an adult, I can see how he could get under my skin and leave me speechless at his inquiries, as these are not your typical questions for school. He’s relentless, he plows through, asking the teacher questions, with such convictions without laughing as the teacher bellows, the class hysterical and yet he’s calm. Cade and Finn are perfect for each other. Cade pushes Finn, not in a bad way just makes him face the facts. When Cade takes him to 7 Eleven, now that was a total shopping experience for everyone. Finn starts to lose brain cells when Julia shows up at the end of the school year as he don’t know what to say when he is around her. All he knows is that he wants more of her when she’s not there. It not long before Finn, Cade and Julia are hanging out together. The three of them mesh, as they have a great friendship while Finn and Julia work on trying to be a couple. Finn is having his epileptic seizures quite often and I admire the way his friends handle his medical issue. There could be a better to address this issue but Finn is too busy at the moment with other things in his life. The friends discover life and they found fortitude within themselves