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My Never Ending List

Since You've Been Gone

Since You've Been Gone - Morgan Matson

Holy, freaking good! I never imaged this could be so good. This friendship so intense after only two years, I wanted one. Sloan and Emily had everything planned for the summer and then Sloan disappears, no letter, no calls, she just vanished. The activities they had planned were priceless; the pizza crawl, the drive-ins, the flea-markets, the concerts and then jobs. Sloan had other things planned but she was gone. I was lost too, where was she? Then came the list. Sloan was good at making up lists, I think Sloan and I came from the same mold but this list was going to be a challenge for Em. These items would test Em and push her to her limit but she thought if were to get Sloan back she needed to do them. The list did push Em: pushed her to her limit on some, pushed her into making new friends and pushed her out of her comfort zone. Her summer was quite the adventure and I treasured every moment with her. The sunroof on her car, the bear tattoo, camping with her brother and the Living Room Theatre were highlights that I shared with her. As the author flashes back to the moments that Sloan and Em shared together, I felt the commitment and love that they shared. Sitting for hours outside McKenzie’s in her car, dressed to kill, Em’s remark, “I’m not leaving” spoke volumes and made me feel giddy inside. All these flashbacks were like the Kodak moments, just priceless and showed that their relationship was built on commitment, fun and drive. I kept picturing Sloan would show up and their summer activities would begin, the list something they both would work on but I also loved Em’s new journey. It was creating Em; Sloan was shaping her from somewhere distant. This book, yeah, definitely a keeper and a great summer read.