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The Devil's Revolver

The Devil's Revolver (The Devil's Revolver Series, #1) - Sally V. McGrath
This was better than I imagined. I loved the cover and that is what sold me on reading it. The story is part fantasy and part western but the story is total enjoyment as Hettie tries to save her little sister, Abby. Bonded with Diablo (a.k.a the Devil’s Revolver) Hettie unfortunately is walking into many situations blindly. Her accuracy holding a firearm is one talent she can count on and one that she uses to her advantage.
I like how Hettie takes matters into her own hands. She doesn’t wait around and hope for someone to help her out and she doesn’t whine, she moves. She almost moves too fast, sometimes. She immediately goes after Abby. When she sees Ling in trouble, she steps in. She’s not afraid of speaking her mind to anyone, she is herself. When bonded with Diablo, the unknown of what has occurred doesn’t shake her, she just continues on.
With magic and loaded weapons, Hettie learns the truth behind Diablo and the price this demonic weapon carries. This was a high energy read for read and the magical aspects of the novel were entertaining. I can’t wait to read what happens in the next novel. 4.5 stars
I received a copy of this novel from NetGalley and IBPA in exchange for an honest review.