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My Never Ending List

Thirteen Reason Why

Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher

This was a reread for me.  I have to admit, I don't do a lot of rereads because there are too many books that I want to read and to stop and do a reread, if just not something I normally do.  When I saw this book last month, in my bookclub's bag, I was pumped!  Finally, a YA book for us to read and also, one of my favorites.


I had a feeling that this book would have mixed reviews at bookclub, as we have an older crowd that normally shows up.  Like most bookclubs, there are a few who are very vocal about their opinions and I was hoping we would have some good discussions pertaining to this novel.  Surprise!  Most everyone liked the novel.  There were some questions about the novel and there were some parts that individuals didn't care for but everyone liked it.  We had some great discussions and trips down memory lane, as we chatted about the novel.  



In our bookclub discussions, we discussed the other characters in the story and their importance.  We talked about the importance of Clay's trip around town and whether that enhanced the story or not.  The question about Hannah's purpose and whether we thought her purpose was successful provoked some interesting conversations.  I thought that Hannah put a lot of trust in Tony, which I thought was interesting considering all the other people she included on her tapes.  What was Hannah real purpose though for making these tapes?  It wasn't as if everyone received their own tape. No, everyone got to listen to the whole story, how they each played a part in Hannah's life. Everyone on the tape heard Hannah's side of the story, but for what purpose? Did she want them to feel guilty/bad/good?  Did she do it to just let them know that they have have this effect on people?  Did she want some action to take place after she was gone?   


As I reread this novel, there were parts of the novel that quickly came back to me and others that I saw in a new light.   The novel still impressed upon me the magnitude an individual can have upon another human being, whether positive or negative.  Whether it be for a few minutes or longer, its how we treat one another that makes a difference. 


Discussing this novel in bookclub, I rediscovered this novel all over again. 


Used this novel for Snakes and Ladders - square 39: A reread - finally a book that fits the square!