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My Never Ending List


Dreamers - Yuyi Morales
The illustrations of this novel are incredible. I love the bright colors that contrast with the darker tones. The colors of the mother’s skirt, the unique items that adore the pages, and the creatures that make their appearance, all make you stop and stare at the pages just a little bit longer.
In a new unfamiliar land, a woman and her child become immigrants. Confused and unable to communicate in this new world, the woman does the best that she can yet she makes many mistakes. Accidentally, they wander inside a library and their world is suddenly opened up.
The author includes her own personal story in the back of this book. Yuyi and her son Kelly migrated to the USA from Mexico in 1994. I found that after reading her story that I needed to reread her picture book again. Yuyi also includes a long list of books that she says inspired her.