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My Never Ending List

Thank You, Omu!

Thank You, Omu! - Oge Mora
Wow, that is a happy, good feeling book! It definitely put a smile on my face! As Omu reads a book, she lets the thick, red stew that she just made for her dinner simmer on the stove.
Soon, she gets a knock on the door and it’s a visitor who has smelled her delicious stew from down the hallway. Omu offers the small boy some of her stew which he eats (picture shows him licking the bowl).
All day long, the stew simmers on the stove, the delicious smell soaring through the air, drifting over the city. Omu has quite a few grateful visitors during the day. It’s dinnertime and when she takes the lid off the pot, Omu is in for a surprise.
I liked the facial expressions and the vocabulary that was used in this children’s book. The illustrations themselves, were very colorful and festive but the expressions did an excellent job conveying their feelings. Using everyday words with complex words, I liked the book’s language. The characters showed great etiquette to each other. A great book to share.