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Red Sky at Night

Red Sky at Night - Elly MacKay
This is a beautiful children's book to look through and read the weather predictions that are quoted on the pages. The illustrations portray the folklore that is expressed on each page. What I found fascinating with the illustrations are, the use of layers that accompany some of the illustrations.
For the prediction: "When the wind is from the West, then the fishes bite the best." There is a red sailboat with an adult and two smaller individuals on the water. A heron is floating nearby. There are layers in the water with varying colors and shadows from the rocks and hills nearby. Plants and fish are in the water, and there is also a huge whale with more detail as he is closer. A fog covers the top of the water. Houses and trees and rocks are on land with varying details depending upon how close they are. There are clouds and birds in the sky, again with varying details. There is a lot of see in these illustrations, the layers to me are fascinating.
There are 23 predictions with accompany illustrations in this children's book. There are some that I have heard before and many, that I was not aware of. I loved that the author wrote in the back, explanations of what these predictions really mean so individuals reading this book can understand and comprehend what they actually have read.
"Trout jump high when rain is nigh." means "True, When there is low air pressure, it usually spells rain. Before the rain comes, insects fly low, looking for cover. Minnows, on the other hand, come to the surface of the water, following the raising gas bubbles that have been released by the low air pressure. If you are out before the rain, you might see fish jumping to catch the low-flying insects or in pursuit of the minnows."
Great book with wonderful illustrations. Science related and I liked how it's educational too.