You could really feel the energy inside this children’s book with its bright, bold illustrations and the words the author chose to include in this text. It’s a wonder that the Princess decided to continue with the race, after what her Fairy Godmother told when she made a pit stop. The Fairy Godmother informed the Princess that she only had one lap to go in the race but the real problem was, the Princess was already in last place before she stopped.
As the announcer gave a play-by-play of the Princesses last leg of the race, I liked how the text was sometimes set off by interesting text boxes. It created an energy and excitement to the novel. The text also carried all kinds of text sizes which were also fun. The illustrations contained dazzling colors, as the Princess raced across the page with her race car trailing a rainbow behind it.
I liked all the different fairy tale characters that competed with the Princess. Their illustrations were fun to view. It was the play on words with these fairy tale characters that I feel, deserve the most credit. As the Princess raced beside her competitors, she gave them a run-for-their-money as she, “blew the doors off the Big Bad Wolf,” “smoked the Three Little Pigs,” “honked the Golden Goose,” and ”….butted in front of the Three Billy Goats Gruff!” The Princess raced to be in front of a variety of fairy tale characters as the author created a fun, unique to publicize the news. As the finished line came into view, who would win this race?
This was a cute book with a simple story line. Simple is the word here, so enjoy the illustrations and the author’s text.