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My Never Ending List

The Cardboard Kingdom

The Cardboard Kingdom - chad sell
This graphic novel was not what I expected. I liked the imagination the characters had as they designed their costumes out of cardboard and the adventures they had with each other. I enjoyed the diversity of the characters. This novel had a little bit of everything and I had to wonder if younger children would understand or get some of the diversity that this novel held. From family to personal issues, and onto bullying, this book covers a lot of ground.
The chapters are quite short so this graphic novel can be split up into many different reading periods. Some of the chapters have no words which make those stories go quickly. The illustrations are bright and colorful and the book is printed on glossy paper which makes these illustrations pop.
As these children go on different adventures, they are having fun and working together. It’s a book that I can see some children really enjoying everything about it, a book where some children will understand parts of it, and a book where some children will just love the illustrations and the imagination that they spark.