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Somebody I Used To Know

Somebody I Used To Know - Wendy Mitchell
Thank you, Wendy for sharing your story, for letting us honestly see how this disease affects a person. I inhaled this memoir in one afternoon as Wendy described how at age fifty-eight, her once active life was coming unraveled. I read as she slowly described how her world was changing, how the things that she loved to do were now becoming complicated. To think that at age fifty-eight, this disease was slowly creeping into her life, that this was only the beginning. Wendy’s attitude and resilience made this novel, a winner for me. She didn’t sit back and wait for the disease to consume her nor did she want a pity party as her challenging lifestyle was now coming unraveled. Wendy made modifications where she could and she strived to make a difference.
I was touched when I read this memoir. From her first confused thought to reading her blog, I am grateful that she is taking the time to write and let individuals know firsthand about Alzheimer’s. Since Wendy was diagnosed at the beginning stages of it, reading about the progression of the disease and her thoughts on it, I can understand her challenges and frustrations. Like Wendy said, this is a silent disease. No one can see it so they don’t understand when they can see the symptoms but they don’t know the diagnosis. No one wants to tell everyone their health history nor do they want to explain themselves when things go wrong. So what is a person to do? I liked how Wendy made adjustments to her lifestyle so she could still enjoy life. From her house to traveling, Wendy saw the obstacles and she tried to find ways to solve them. She wanted to keep working, she tried to keep working but sometimes we don’t see what’s best until later. Who could she tell of her diagnosis?
You tell the wrong person and they avoid you like the plague or you tell the right person and they’ll be there for you. I cringed when she moved, as I thought for sure she would get lost coming home or just the house itself, for there were tons of issues she could have in a house that she was not familiar with. Wendy saw the obstacles in her new house and well, Wendy tackled them and I laughed, she solved them in Wendy fashion.
I really enjoyed Wendy’s memoir and I look forward to reading her blog. I highly recommend this memoir for its insight its honesty, and for learning more about Wendy.
“Life doesn’t have to be dull and risk-free just because you have dementia.”