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My Never Ending List

Dear Martin

Dear Martin - Nic Stone
As Justyce keeps a journal, making inquiries to Martin Luther King as to why his life is turning upside down, Justyce is confused on how to proceed forward. He sees these inequalities, these injustices that are based upon the color of his skin, and it infuriates him. But what can Justyce do about them and why can’t everyone else see them? As I listened to this novel, I can’t tell you how many times I said out loud, “What?
You have got to be kidding me?’ I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing through my speakers. I felt for Justyce as he tried to figure out what his next step would be. I was frustrated, angry and ticked as people tried to use their power to win. I know this is a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed and I am glad that this book addresses it. The truth of the matter is, no one is really listening. No one wants to listen, they are using their other senses but not really listening to what is happening or what occurred. I think this happens in the lives of other individuals too and not just African Americans.
All lives matter. Listen people, for once keep quiet and listen to the voices of those around you. They are important too. You just might learn something.
It’s a powerful novel and one that will surely make you think.