I think this graphic novel is a great starting point for this topic. I liked its simple approach to the topic and the way it covered a variety of subjects relating to consent. I liked the way that they reaffirmed their clarifications throughout the novel. They explained things in a clear and concise manner and even elaborated in many situations. They talked about values and gave examples, many of which young adults will be able to relate to. The format was easy to read and creating it into a graphic novel makes this topic more appealing to its readers.
So, what is consent? The novel elaborates on this many times throughout the novel. Consent means that there is no pressure, that both parties are happy with the decision that they are making, that there is the enthusiastic “yes!” before the act, that the individual is not being forced or coerced into something, etc. This text provides many definitions and many examples of what this word means. Because your body is yours and what you do with it depends on what you want. So, what happens if you say no? What about the famous, “everyone else is doing it.” or what if you’re just not sure? This graphic novel covers these options and many more. The novel consists of a group of four girls conversing. You will meet a group of boys who chime in on the conversation and give you their opinions on the subject matter so it’s not all about girls.
In the back of the novel, the author has given its readers a wonderful resource. From consent, sexting, porn, being positive sex resilient, etc. the author has listed some discussion questions, a list of information that was discussed in the novel, some Did You Know Facts and a list of resources where you can go to find further information for each of these additional subjects. I feel that this is a wonderful way to approach this subject and this novel should be read by anyone who is mature enough to handle this subject matter. This novel makes a great starting point for future discussion or research.
I received a copy of this novel from NetGalley and Jessica Kingsley Publishers in exchange for an honest review.