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My Never Ending List

3rd Degree

3rd Degree - James Patterson, Andrew Gross

I like how there is never a dull moment in these novels, from the moment I start reading the first page there is something relevant to the case transpiring before me and I can’t wait to get back to the novel. I inhaled this novel in one afternoon and was deeply sadden when it ended because of how it ended and I will get to that in a bit. This novel is one in a series but I don’t feel that you need to read the previous books in this series to enjoy this novel but you should know that there is a group of professional women who gather together, organizing their resources to try to solve the crime that has been committed hence, The Women’s Murder Club.


After her morning run with her dog, Lieutenant Lindsay Boxer was headed to Starbucks, when the townhouse that she has always admired, explodes. As the scene is being examined, Lindsay notices a mysterious backpack outside the townhouse. What is inside the backpack, has the team discovering that this fire was a planned, targeted attack and not an accident. Inside the townhouse, they had found the bodies of a mother, a father and a housekeeper but they did not find the 6-month old baby that supposedly lived there. Where is this child and why were they targeted? Meanwhile, the bomber has watched his bomb go off with satisfaction and the au pair is in a hotel room changing her appearance, everything is going as planned. Fast forward to a new day, the scene is a penthouse suite. She promises him that the drugs she is about to give him, will make him ready for her. Little does he know what she has in store for him. It doesn’t take long before he is speechless, he is so stupid and gullible, it was almost too easy. She shoves a piece of paper in his mouth, the public will now know that the August Spies are in town. The August Spies cast demands upon the people and they better listen or there will be bodies, dead ones, every three days until their demands are met. The August Spies are not people to be messed with.


Detective Lindsay needs to call together her friends to discuss this latest case. Chief D. A. Jill, Medical Examiner Claire, and San Francisco Chronicle reporter Cindy gather together as Lindsay updates them and they discuss their next steps . It’s great to see each of these women bringing their expertise to the table, collaborating together to solve the case. As the August Spies keep true to their word, their victims get a bit too close for me and this novel ends on a sad note. What continues for these women will yet to be seen and I can’t wait to see what happens in book four.