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My Never Ending List

Preludes and Nocturnes (The Sandman #1)

The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes, Vol. #1 - Neil Gaiman, Mike Dringenberg

He has finally escaped his imprisonment and now he needs to find his tools but who has them? He is the King of Dreams and without his tools, he is weak and powerless. In his weaken stage, he starts to gather what was once his so he can reign once again, in the world of dreams. I have to admit it took me a while to capture what was actually happening in this novel for I was lost by the chain of events and by the individuals in the panels. Why the events were happening and how these individuals were related are just a few of the questions that still puzzle my mind today, but knowing that this is a series, perhaps in the future, I will gain answers.


As a recent Neil Gaiman fan, I received this graphic novel from my son for Christmas. It was a surprise as I hadn’t come across this one yet. On a happy note, my library carries many of the next editions of this series, so I can borrow them. In this novel, I enjoyed all the references to music that were scattered throughout the text. Symbolic to the events transpiring on the page, there was music playing on the jukebox, characters singing or thinking about a specific tune. This novel was not tame, there were parts of this novel that many might find disgusting but I appreciate a good horror novel so I enjoyed these startling, dark illustrations with the disturbing characters with their fantastic facial expressions. Printed on glossy paper, the bright illustrations told the story of a King who was determined to get his power back. What will the King of Dreams accomplish when he has all his tools back, I have no idea but that is another question that I pondered? I wondered also if he is mad at the individual(s) who trapped him or if he is mad at his brother who was supposed to be the one trapped? Will he retaliate for all the years that he lost? There are so many questions that I have. I know that I am not a great reader of graphic novels as I feel that I am extremely slow. I feel as if I am analyzing each frame, afraid that I am missing something, perhaps a clue, before I continue on to the next frame. I picked up book two of this series today at the library, I hope there are some answers inside it and not more questions. Neil, give me some answers!