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My Never Ending List

All The Missing Girls

All the Missing Girls: A Novel - Ms. Megan Miranda

They were high school friends, just out having fun one night when something goes wrong. What really happened that night and why are all the stories all different? Why was this case never solved? That was ten years ago.


Nicolette is coming back home to get her father’s home ready to sell. He’s been in a rehab center and his plans to return back home to her childhood home are never going to materialize, so the kids are putting the house on the market. Her brother has started the process but Nic has two months off and they should be able to finish the process this summer. Tyler, Nicolette’s old boyfriend is doing work on the house to get the house in working condition. Old memories creep into Nic as she arrives back home. It’s been ten years since her childhood best friend went missing. What happened to Corinne that night at the fair?


Nic runs into Tyler immediately. They each are seeing other individuals, Tyler is dating Annaleise, a girl whose parent’s property aligns with Nic’s father’s and Nic is engaged. It hits the next day. Annaleise goes missing. Where did she go? It’s been exactly ten years since Corrinne disappeared, is this a coincidence? Let the drama begin…..

I felt that the story did a lot of jumping, from 2 weeks back, the day before, Day 14, Day 13, Day 12, etc. I know that it takes talent to write a story backwards, so I have to respect an author who can achieve this. I however didn’t like how this story worked itself backwards. I found myself stopping and telling myself exactly what I was reading in the story. It was confusing, it took away from my whole reading experience and I began to wonder perhaps I should have read this book backwards. Would I have enjoyed this novel more, had I read this book backwards? I thought the story itself was great but I felt that it wasn’t as suspenseful as it could have been because I was stopping all the time and analyzing what was happening.