285 Following

My Never Ending List

My Reading Habits

I normally don't fill these questionnaires out but this one looked fun so here goes:  


Do you have a certain place in your home for reading?

  I finally have a sunroom after moving twice last year so we moved my oversized comfy chair and ottoman in it.  I am constantly moving the chair in the morning as the sun moves across the two windows that chair is positioned by, as I want to take full advantage of the sun.  I would really love to buy one of those round chairs to put in this room but the price tag on those chairs is ridiculous. 

Bookmark or random piece of paper?  bookmark - I love them and buy them when we go to different places. 

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop read after a chapter / certain number of pages? I try to stop at the end of a chapter, or where the author allows me to tear myself away.

Do you eat or drink while read?   Drinker


Multitasking: music or TV while reading? Silence for me but other people in the room can be doing other things - I'm good at tuning it out. 


Reading at home or everywhere?  I read everywhere! I read walking into the doctors office, I read waiting for appointments, I read in restaurants. I carry a book with me everywhere.

Reading out loud or silently in your head? Read silently 

Do you read ahead or even skip pages?  I might skim pages (rarely) if it's boring 

Barking the spine or keeping it like new? Keep it like new

Do you write in your books? Only when I was in college and only in my textbooks. I use post-it's now to mark anything I want to recall. 

One book at a time or several at once?   I used to be a one book at a time girl but lately, I have a Kindle book going, an audio book I listen to while working out in the morning, another audio book I listen to in the car and an actual physical book I am reading.  It's getting pretty crazy and I know I will have to cut back.  I was listening to Playaways as I was walking my cat outside too but it's too cold to walk him now so that's out for now


That's me. If I could just reduce my TBR pile a bit this year, maybe it'll be a couple books, I'll be a happy camper!