Use your imagination and let this book take you away. The pictures are amazing and with the text, I loved this book. Not a lot of depth in the book but if you let your imagination go, you can walk away with a lot from this book and as an adult, I did. The first couple pages have no written words but show a boy sailing a ship in the sky landing on a peaceful, sandy island. He builds a huge sand fish and falls asleep beside it. In twilight, lions “cats like velvet shadows move, their coal-fire eyes ablaze.” come upon the boy and his magical sand fish. The sand fish comes alive and it plays with the lions and the boy. Other creatures from the ocean join the party and it is like an underwater fish tank with the lions and the boy. The pages are bright and brilliant; the story takes on a rhythm as the fish swim and sway. As the sun begins to shine, the water settles and the creatures head back out into the sea, the boy heads to his ship to sail home and the cats settle down on the sand to sleep their day away. What a busy night!!