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My Never Ending List

Wow, can I just say Wow? It's more than just a romance, it's life.

Slammed (Slammed, #1) - Colleen Hoover

If you have never opened up one of Colleen Hoover’s books, I suggest that be your next escape. After you have turned the last page, wiped that last smirk off your face, smiled your last smile, and shed the last tear the story is not over.   Her books leave you on this platform soaring towards the sky; it’s a high, a triumph, an exhilaration that runs through your body.  I savor this moment, I reflect on what I have just read and I can’t move on to another book just yet because there are few who can come close to what I have just read and I don’t want to spoil the moment. 


Slammed, so many different stories intermingled into the lives of eighteen-year old Layken and her family.  I devoured this book in one day but yet I didn’t want the book to end.  There is a sequel and I know Colleen will not disappoint me, she has not yet.  Layken, her younger brother Kel and their mother move to Michigan from Texas as their mother discovers a higher paying job there after her father’s recent death.  Kel makes friends instantly with the boy (Caulder) across the street which makes things easier for Layken since she tries to take over some of the duties of her father and this puts less stress on her.  Layken starts to have feeling for Caulder’s brother who is twenty-one and even though she was not happy about moving, her opinion of Michigan is changing.  Just when things start to get comfortable, the two get a surprise which causes their relationship to shift gears and life gets tough.  It’s a daily battle of emotions, life and love.  Within these pages, it’s more than just a love story of Layken and Will, it’ about two families and life, real life and it’s about living…. the living that is true and honest and real.

“One million fifty-one thousand and

two hundred minutes.

That approximately how many minutes

I’ve loved you,

It’s how many minutes I’ve thought about you,

How many minutes I’ve worried about you,

How many minutes I’ve thanked God for you,

How many minutes I’ve thanked every deity in the Universe for you.”