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The Name of God is Mercy

The Name of God Is Mercy - Pope Francis, Oonagh Stransky

I didn’t know what to expect from this book but I knew that I wanted to read it. The book is a question and answer book as the Pope answers questions posed to him by a Vatican reporter and his answers are spoken using everyday language with experiences relating to his childhood, religious doctrine and his current life. I found reading this book relaxing and powerful as I would relate to the many things that he spoke about. Mercy is the word that is repeated continuously and is an important message the Pope feels God brings to us. The Pope is a humble person and he knows he is sinner for we all have sinned. I like that he does not set himself apart from everyone but that he is among us and walks the journey with us. The Pope talks about opening ourselves up to receive God’s forgiveness for our sins and receive his mercy.   For being conscious of our sins, and asking for forgiveness, this pleases God even if we must ask for forgiveness repeatedly. The Pope talks about how our society has lost our sense of sin and how we feel that are sins are incurable and unable to be forgiven. I felt this part of the book was fantastic. He continues this focus as these individuals continue to stray instead of asking for forgiveness and getting their life back on track. The Pope is a person with a message from God and God is a God of mercy, a God who is forgiving and not judgmental. For everyone makes mistakes, it’s your part of asking for forgiveness that helps you get back up.