Thomas just can’t get a break. I felt sorry for him for it seemed every time he turned around, his name was in hot water. Many times throughout this novel, I found myself talking to my Kindle, just hoping that someone inside the pages would finally hear me and heed my warning and wise up. The story was gripping and addictive as the characters tried to solve the issues all the while trying to avoid detection. She had only been married ten days when she was murdered. Who did it, they are not quite sure yet. Most individuals think it was her son Thomas but they haven’t been able to arrest him yet. Her husband is a police detective and after they have interrogated Thomas, he took him home as he believes that Thomas is innocent. Charlotte is another individual who believes in Thomas but with her family committed to the police department, Char is having a hard time showing her support to Thomas. It’s like a dance what these two individuals do as they try to avoid detection and I thought she was a true friend. I really wanted nothing more to come out of their relationship as I didn’t want anything to cloud what they had. Thomas is a strong character for he has to be for everything that is occurring to him and around him. I was really enjoying the story until the author throws a twist into the story and it threw me for a loop. I had not seen that coming and I didn’t partially care for it, neither. Why, of why, did that happen? It was such a solid read for me before the author wrote that in and now it has lost its hold. This is my first read for Brigid Kemmerer but not my last, as I really enjoyed her writing. I will pick up another novel by her and just hope that if she puts another twist into her novels, they do not disappoint me.
Thank you NetGalley and Kensington for providing me a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.