It’s a cruise, a luxury cruise where all the passengers feel they need to lose weight. Celebrities and ordinary individuals are ecstatic to be a part of this excursion as they are rolling out Solu on this exclusive trip. Solu, the new diet sweetener, not available in stores yet, guaranteed to make its consumers lose weight. It was all the hype and the glamour that shined around this product that made me skeptical about how trustworthy this product really was. Baby Tom-Tom was covering the event, he really needed to get rid of his childhood star name and perhaps this stint would be the trick. Hard work and a restricted diet was his means of losing his extra inches so he was staying away from Solu but most of the other passengers liked the instant results that they were seeing. Laurel accompanied Viv on the cruise, as Viv has never been satisfied with her body. The girls were having the time of their lives, everyone is treated like royalty and the Solu is proportionally handed out, only the consumers are beginning to demand more. There are some passengers who stay away from the sweetener (for a variety of reasons) and they notice a change in the Solu clients. What can they do to help these individuals who are taking the sweetener? The passengers went to the extreme, their behavior was bizarre but in this novel it was perfect, the novel was not Sweet but it was perfect for me. I really needed this novel; it was like a roller coaster. I saw it coming and I was waiting for it and it delivered for me. Thank you, Emmy.