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My Never Ending List

Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen Bravo! Bravo! I didn't have any expectations for this book except that I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie. Perhaps I like a book that's told by a grandfather who's reflecting upon his life and we get to flashback and relive it with him. Jacob's got a feisty attitude when he was younger and that only becomes more appartent as he gets older and mature. The idea and excitement of a circus coming into town on a railcar is a great idea and Sara's writing adds dimenison and drama to the event that I didn't even dream possible. As the cars unroll into the city and the townspeople arrive, the excitements builds but it doesn't end there. The drama is with the performers, the workers, the owners, just about anyone involved or wanting a part of the "big top". To think that people paid to see "the greatest show on earth" and they sat on seats and watch the people and the animals perform in front of them. In reality, after reading this book, I think they missed the real show which was what was going on behind the stage and after the lights were shut off. Step right up and see what all the excitement about....performers, dogs, drama and of course an elephant.