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My Never Ending List

If We Survive (Homelanders)

If We Survive - Andrew Klavan Will is part of a group of teens going over to Central America to rebuild a school. They are lead by Pastor Ron and what they witness there is life changing from the minute they step off their plane. They think their adventure is over as they head up into the cantina to enjoy their last minutes with the locals and meet up with their driver, but something else is about to set their journey on another route. Thundering footsteps, screaming and armed men barge into the cantina and block their exits. Time has frozen and like something taken from a motion picture, the group has been caught up in a nightmare. The revolutionists have started to take over the country and nothing is stopping them. Will and his group only want to get back to the U.S. and want no part in this take over and when they try to explain this to the rebels, they don’t care. The rebels only have one mission and nothing will get in their way. With a wide variety of teens accompany the group, the insurgents try to take control of Will and his group but with the help of their driver and the antics of the group, this control is hard to handle. This is where the adventure for Will and his group gets started and the adrenaline starts rushing until the final pages of the book. I didn’t realize this is a Christian fiction book until I was reading it but I liked the way that aspect was woven into the reading. Nothing preachy and nothing overpowering and overdramatic about it just like subtle things thrown in since they are in a dangerous situation. I really enjoyed the part where Will was reflecting on life when he thought he was going to be shot. I know when people go through a rough patch in life say something like: “I will do things different if I can get through this” well, Will was reflecting on life and you have to remember that he is kid and his comments were:“Everything looked different to me now. Everything looked clearer, much clearer, as if I had been watching the world steaming through a bad wireless connection and suddenly was watching it in hi-def or on Blu-ray. The incredible new clarify made even the littlest thing seem kind of beautiful.And the faces—people’s faces—they are looked so amazing. So clear and beautiful. And everyone seemed different to me than they had before.”