It was her destiny; she knew it from such a small age. It was just a fact. Awilda was quite proud of her accomplishments and they began when she was six years old. Her first killing, it was nice and easy and yet….she was only six. Awilda believed she was helping humanity and she was enjoying herself at the same time. As she grew, the slayings increased. Killing the beasts that roamed the streets while they stalked their prey Awilda was actually stalking them. She was a vampire’s worse nightmare. Working as a librarian by day, Awilda had the ultimate selection of browsing material at her disposal to study her prey which made her the best. Awilda did not look like a vampire killer no, this is what made her the ultimate nightmare. Elegantly dressed with perfectly selected garments layered over her creamy white skin, she was ready for the night. She looked delicious. However, sometimes when you are so remarkable good at something, you let down your guard and danger can sweep in. Oh, Awilda…..what did you do?I truly loved this short story and I hated for it to end. It had such a great flow to it and Awilda was so driven. Awilda attention to detail made you realize that she was a force to be reckoned with and her sassy attitude she was a sure win. Edward’s attention to the small things in Awilda’s life made this story a sure win and when she started to let her guard down, you could feel the tension in the air and the emotions going on inside Awilda. What a terrific story!! Great job.I received a free copy of this book for a honest opinion.