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My Never Ending List

The Unquiet

The Unquiet - Jeannine Garsee There were shadows when there was no solid object. There were voices that told them to do the unspeakable. Words were written that no one recalls being wrote down. People were acting strange but why only a selected few. Rinn knew she had to figure it all out before she became the next victim since she was the only one who is trying to piece it all together. Rinn and her mother moved into Mayberry, okay maybe not Mayberry but to Rinn after living in California with the huge ocean, big cities, surfing, her stepfather and her Nana as security relocating to a little spot in Ohio, being there was like living in a hole in a wall. Monica, Rinn’s mother grew up in this town and resting here for a while was what Monica thought might be just what they needed. What Monica didn’t think about was the place that they would be renting and the school that Rinn would be attending? The layers of drama keep building as you read along and you wonder how the pieces will all fit together. Rinn has some issues to deal with it before she arrives and she’s hoping to start over here in this new town but the visible scars are a constant reminder, how will she be able to explain them? And what is it about Annaliese? Rinn realizes she is living in this girl’s grandmother’s house and that tragedy has hit the very room she sleeps in. It’s layers upon layers of drama and mystery and just when Rinn thinks she has made some friends, she learns some things about the school that has her on edge. How much can Rinn reveal about herself before they question her judgment? Is Rinn really uncovering the mystery of Annaliese or is Rinn past catching up with her? I love the attitude of Rinn and how she knows she has to stay on her medication to be better but yet she knows how that looks to the outside world. Her attitude is open and honest and her relationship with her mom is strained because of her past and also because of her mother’s past which Rinn doesn’t know. Rinn has many relationships in the book with her parents, girlfriends, guys and her boyfriend and they all play an important role in the book. They are deep relationships as Rinn herself is unsure about herself and what is happening so everything is intertwined and connected. Do you believe in ghosts?